4/20/24 "Cultivating Presence" Half-Day Retreat
Saturday, April 20th
1:00 PM - 5:30 PM
2400 Executive Plaza Drive

Join Gulf Coast Dharma for the “4/20 Cultivating Presence Retreat”! This half-day of mindfulness and inner exploration will explore the art of cultivating presence by returning to the senses.


Our theme, "cultivating present moment awareness," invites you to embrace the richness of each moment to be fully engaged in the here and now. Through guided meditations and reflective exercises, you'll uncover the beauty of being fully present, one breath, one moment, at a time.


As we celebrate 4/20, let's also reflect on the subtle irony that while some seek inner peace through puffing clouds of smoke, we find it through the clarity of meditation. After all, why cloud the mind when you can clear it?

So, whether you're a seasoned meditator or a curious soul, join us for the "4/20 Cultivating Presence Retreat" and treat yourself to a half-day of self-discovery, laughter, and the gentle embrace of presence.


The cost is $40-$100 on a sliding scale, so please pay to your highest ability to enable others who have less means to attend.

Scholarships are available; contact justin@gulfcoastdharma for more information.

We look forward to practicing with you!

Cost: $40 - $100 Sliding Scale (Please pay to your highest ability)
 Register by sending your name, phone number, and email address with payment, via Venmo to @gulfcoastdharma 


    You can also register through the Mindbody app.
Drop in spots will also be available.
(Scholarships also available; contact justin@gulfcoastdharma.org for more info)

